Potential Applicants
How do I schedule a tour at Diamond Eight Terrace?
We can’t wait to show you our community here at Diamond Eight Terrace! You can either use the red widget at the bottom of the screen to request a tour time, or you can give our office at call at 612-208-7600!
I found my next apartment home, now what?
We’re so excited you’ve found your next home! You can complete our online application right from our website here! Remember, you must pay the application fee and pre-lease deposit in order for your application to process.
What are your application requirements?
You can view our full application policy and pre-lease deposit disclosure here. Questions? Contact our team at 763-572-9400.
Do you allow pets?
We allow cats, fish, and birds.
Cats must be at least 1 year of age and spayed/neutered. There is a one time fee of $200 per cat. Limit 2 cats.
Are utilities included in rent?
Heat is included in rent. Resident is responsible for electric, phone, and cable; plus other allocated utility costs and billing fees for water, sewer, storm water, and trash.
There is a $4.95 monthly utility processing fee.
Residents of Diamond Eight
How do I pay my rent?
You can pay your rent online using your Tenant Web Access portal, or by downloading the mobile app on Google Play Store or Apple App Store. If you wish to mail in your rent payment, please send it to our corporate office at 5201 East River Road Suite 308, Fridley, MN 55421, and make the check/money order out to The Birches LLC.
Rent payments are posted online and due on the 1st of every month. Residents have a 5 day grace period, and all rent payments must be submitted or postmarked by the 5th of every month. Late rental payments are subject to a late fee.
How do I put in a service request?
Residents can use their Tenant Web Access portal to submit service requests, or by downloading the mobile app on Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Please provide your building and apartment number, and details of the service requested.
What if I have an after hours emergency?
KRC does have on-call emergency service technicians. If there is an emergency, please call our corporate office number 763-572-9400 and follow the prompts.
Please use the emergency service ONLY if your situation requires immediate attention.
When is my Notice to Vacate due?
As your lease term expires or anytime thereafter, you may provide your proper Notice to Vacate. You must submit a written Notice to Vacate to Kleinman Realty Co. at least two full calendar months less one day as indicated on your lease. Please remember to review the No Winter Move Out Clause on the front page of your lease.
How does RUBS work?
RUBS is a Ratio Utility Billing System that portions out the total use of certain utility charges at a property, to its residents. Water, Sewer, Storm Water and Trash removal are all a part of the RUBS program at Diamond Eight Terrace. There is a monthly administrative fee of $4.95. For more information about RUBS at Diamond Eight Terrace, please contact your Rental Manager or Property Manager.